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1. Each team only plays with 7 players at one time on the field.
a. 2 Attack
b. 2 Mid
c. 2 Defense
d. 1 Goalie


2. The games will be 25 minutes in length running time. There are no timeouts.

3. Each team will play 5 games.

4. The playing field will be running the width of the field because of the number of players.
There will be a midfield line and offsides. Two defenders plus goalie must remain on the
defensive end at all times.

5. All rules of the game are the same as regular season.
a. Technical foul penalties will result in a 3 v 2 fast break for the other team.
b. Personal foul penalties will result in 90 second running time served.

6. Face off occurs only at the beginning of the game.
a. After each goal the goalie starts with the ball.

7. All substitutions occur on the fly.

8. All players must wear full equipment including mouth guards.

9. Only 2 poles allowed on the field at one time.

10. Absolutely no body checking allowed.

11. Ties at the end of regulation will be decided by a braveheart.

12. FIGHTING Players who engage in fighting will be ejected for the remainder of the game
and the next scheduled game at a minimum. Tournament officials reserve the right to
suspend the player for additional games. All rulings of tournament officials are final.
Represent your Lacrosse program with class and good sportsmanship.